Multiple Mirror Effects in Movies |
Spoiler Alert !
Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
Cristina Ricci is Ellie, whose estranged boyfriend Jake (Joshua Jackson) is opening a horror-themed nightclub on the Sunset Strip with statues of monsters and divas. (The divas are scarier.) We first see the mirror maze when he is setting it up while talking to Ellie's brother Jimmy (Jesse Eisenberg.) By the time the opening night party happens, Jake has become suspect, so Jimmy and his friend run into the smoke-filled mirror maze to hide from Jake, and Ellie follows them. Jake catches up with Ellie and tries to make up with her but a huge werewolf crashes through the glass and chases them all, then it breaks out of the room and destroys the club. Later we see Ellie and Jimmy go back into the maze to rescue his injured friend.
The smoke and mirrors start at about 1:03:30
Watch the scene on YouTube |