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Lizards in Movies |
Lord of the Flies (1963) |
Spoiler Alert !
Some of these pictures and descriptions may give away plot details that you might not want to know before watching the film.
This is a film version of the classic William Golding novel about a group of young schoolboys who revert to savagery after they are stranded on a tropical island.
In the beginning, after the boys have chosen a leader, built shelters, started a signal fire, and designated soldiers armed with sharpened sticks to keep guard, we see a montage of boys enjoying life on the island. They are splashing in the ocean, playing games, acting like young boys. We see a boy named Simon playing with an anole lizard holding it in his hands until it jumps onto his shoulder where he pets its back affectionately. Then the lizard jumps on his face.
The boys begin to fear that there is a dangerous beast haunting the island. Simon tells the group "maybe there is a beast, maybe it’s only us." Simon is the only boy brave enough to hike up the mountain to find out that there is no beast, only a dead pilot. When he returns at night to tell the other boys they all panic, mistaking him for the beast, and kill him savagely. |