This is an Italian horror movie from Dario Argento, a master of the genre, with the usual beautiful women and bloody murders. It's about secret covens of witches, and Mark, an American student in Rome, and his sister Rose in New York City investigating murders somehow linked to an occult conspiracy. Rose learns of an ancient book about three evil sisters and some plot to end the world or something and discovers that she's living in a building that houses one of the three witches.
Throughout we see some strange lizard symbolism, or maybe it's just creepy window dressing, including lizard bas reliefs on the witch's building that show a snake fighting two lizards, several stuffed lizards in a creepy attic that Rose discovers in the the building, and we also see a live lizard eating a moth. I don't know what any of that means, or if it means anything. I got the feeling they were just throwing in weird things and colors for atmosphere. The lizard appears to be a female Western Green Lizard, which is found throughout Italy, though the location is New York.
Better than the lizard stuff, there are some good scenes with cats - a beautiful witch holding a cat in a classroom, cats attacking and killing a woman, and a man catching cats and putting them all in one bag then trying to drown them in a lake, but he gets eaten alive by rats instead. Cats On Film calls it a major cat movie. I call it a very minor lizard movie, but it's definitely not boring.