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Turtles in Movies |
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) |
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A couple of sea turtles make a brief appearance In this James Bond movie with Roger Moore, Barbara Bach, and Curd Jurgens.
Bond gets in a shootout on skis, parachute skis, rides a jet ski, fights a battle on a giant ship, drives a car underwater, fights a henchman named "Jaws" with metal teeth that can bite a shark to death, and hooks up with a beautiful K.G.B. agent, the spy of the movie's title.
The evil villian in this is a psycho named Stromberg who is stealing nuclear submarines for their nukes because he wants to destroy the world and begin a "new era," a new world beneath the sea. He lives in a giant futuristic underwater structure with large windows and weird plastic lounge chairs he uses to tie up women. Bond impersonates a marine biologist and is invited inside where Stromberg tells Bond that he doesn't miss the outside world. His home under the sea is all the world to him, a place he can conduct his life on his own terms in surroundings with which he can identify. He tells Bond that under the sea "there is beauty" and points to some colorful fish, "there is ugliness" and points to a sea turtle with a couple of remora attached to it, and "there is death" and points to a shark. Stromberg also keeps killer sharks in a tank in his home that he uses to get rid of unwanted guests and we see the remains of one of them outside one of his underwater windows.
I don't think a sea turtle with hitchhiking remoras is a good illustration of ugliness, although the remoras here are very large and probably slow the turtle down. It could be a mutualistic arrangement. Remoras use turtles for a free ride and something to hide behind, but they also remove ectoparasites and loose skin from the turtle, which helps the turtle more than it hurts it. |